Are you a lover of trivia? Then you are in the right place.

I’ve collected a bunch of interesting facts that you really DON’T need to know and put them together for a bit of fun.

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen some of these on Thursday Trivia days. If you don’t then you’re missing out as I post new bits of trivia each week.

What’s so good about trivia you may ask. Well, it’s interesting (mostly) and can be an absolute saviour when you’ve run out of witty things to say at a party.

So grab a cuppa and enjoy this fun fact feature.



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Lucky koalas! How much do you sleep each day?



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It’s not something I’ve really thought about in relation to birds. Are you a leftie or a rightie?


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This I can believe – the air over there is amazing.


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This is sad but it’s good to know there is a lot of research going on to try and prevent this horrible illness.


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That’s pretty appropriate, given all their beautiful colours.


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It makes me want to shiver just thinking about it!


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A big thank you to the Chinese – I LOVE fireworks!


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Not something to be proud of.


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I wonder what they talked about?


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Only half of my brain works if I don’t get enough sleep.


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Are there 50 shades of orange?


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How many lies do you tell?


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What happens when you watch television in bed?


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I think this is so cute.


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Do you have any phobias?


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No traffic jams on that route.



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Another appropriate name.


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Wonderful description. I read somewhere there are more fake pink flamingos than there are real ones.


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Cows look kind – I think they’d make good friends.


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Typical, we do twice as much work at everything else too. 🙂


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Sounds glorious!


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All the more to love you with.


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They don’t look like the cuddliest creatures.


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One part sleep plus three parts laughter = skinny!


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Keep smiling – it’s easier.


Here’s a link to my Facebook page, just to make sure you don’t miss out on more tantalizing trivia.

Hope you have a gleeful week, Tamuria.



  • Well that was a fun ride! I smiled all the way though it. Of course, if I would have laughed or chuckled hard then I could have lost some weight…dang!

    I love repeating these types of things to my husband. He always gives me a look like, ‘where did you hear that?’ Again, it makes me smile. 🙂 I guess I had better start laughing more!

  • Hi Tamuria,

    My first thought was ‘Oh, I don’t have time to bother with trivia when I can get on with the serious business of …’; however, it was good to take a brief mental break LOL.

  • Love the quirkiness and funny pictures in these. Very entertaining article. WOW
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