Hi, and welcome to another Wacky Wednesday project – making turquoise jewellery.


turquoise jewellery picture

You won’t believe the secret ingredient we are using to make it.



Turquoise has been a prized gem for thousands of years, esteemed as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman.

Some believe it can protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune and peace to the home. It is considered a symbol of friendship.

Turquoise is easily identified by its unique colour, a blue/green hue.

The word turquoise, which dates to the 17th century, is derived from the French turques for “Turks” because the mineral was first brought to Europe from Turkey.

It was one of the first gems to be mined. While most historic sites have been depleted it is still often found as a by-product of copper mining.

Furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered in Ancient Egyptian graves, dating from approximately 3000 BC.

In the ancient Persian Empire, the gemstones were worn around the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death.

A change in colour of the gem was thought to signify impending doom.

Turquoise actually can change colour. The change can be caused by the light, or by a chemical reaction brought about by cosmetics, dust or the acidity of the skin.

Turquoise is believed to even have healing qualities.

They include:

  • Neutralises over-acidity
  • Alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections
  • Increases growth, muscular strength
  • Alleviates pain, relaxes cramps
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects

Use with copper to increase the power of turquoise.



The turquoise we’re making will not change colour but it will change your mind about the humble spud. Yes, that’s it, today’s project is making beautiful turquoise jewellery using potatoes.



turquoise picture
The secret ingredient to make this beautiful jewellery


  • Potato
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Hard foam/container with dirt or sand
  • Turquoise paint
  • Fishing line or beading string
  • Plastic beads – optional
  • Peel and cube the potato – it will shrink quite a lot as it dries so don’t make the pieces too small, around 2 ½ cm or an inch is good.
  • Thread them onto bamboo skewers, ensuring there is plenty of room between each piece. If they are touching, they will get mouldy and soft.


  • turquoise picture
    Keep the pieces apart to allow air movement so they won’t get mouldy



  • Use the foam or pot with sand/soil to hold the skewers upright
  • Now for the hard part – waiting for the potato pieces to dry. You will know when they are ready as they will be dark brown and hard as a rock. Mine took four days to get there, but it is very dependent on weather. It has taken weeks in the past when it’s been really cold, or wet. You will notice the pieces withering with a day or two. It’s a good idea to move the pieces slightly each day so they will dry where they are touching the skewer.


  • turquoise picture
    They start to blacken and dry out within days


  • Once your pieces are dry and hard, paint them with the turquoise paint – it’s easier to do this if you leave them on the skewers.
  • When the paint is dry, determine if you need a second coat. You can dab a little black paint here and there to make the potato rocks resemble turquoise gems even more.
  • When all the paint is dry you can cover the potato rocks in a clear varnish to protect your paint job BUT be sure and use a matt finish. I used a spray varnish as it’s easier and dries faster – I’m always so impatient!
  • Finally, string the rocks onto your fishing lines, string or hat elastic to make beautiful necklaces and bracelets. I added some plastic beads for a variety of colour and texture.



turquoise picture
The finished jewellery

If you liked this craft why not share the secret and Pin it.

Happy crafting, and have a gleeful week, Tamuria.





  • You had me at “turquoise”, Tami. 😉 I am a big turquoise person, both wearing it and adorning my house (room walls even), with it. Love this project! It is fun and sounds like it is relatively easy to do and include kids in the process too. There is nothing like real turquoise, however, this gives people a taste of the power of the colour, plus a great project to flex their creative jewelry designer muscles. And yes, turquoise has many healing benefits and I’ve heard that we are evolving another chakra, the turquoise chakra, between the fourth (heart, green) and the fifth (throat, blue) chakras. I’m all for that!

  • This is such an uber-cool idea, Tamuria! I do wear Turquoise jewelry from time to time when my Intuition tells me I need the extra layer of protection.

    I am wondering whether our potato jewelry will do the same trick? 😉

  • This is a wonderful craft project to do with kids that can wait patiently for the potatoes to dry. Or maybe in a Sr. facility. I am wondering if it would attract bugs or flies even after being painted. Thanks for factual info on turquoise. I knew most of it and liked the refresher.

    • Roslyn I knew you’d be up on all the turquoise benefits – actually thought about contacting you for advice on this one!:) I’ve done this project several times over the years and my weird sense of humour means I love to wear it so I can tell people, when they ask, what it’s made from. Never had a problem with bugs. The potato dries like a hard rock.

  • Oh, this project is so much fun, Tami! I looked at the pic at the top and was wondering what the idea was, as I know you’re always cooking something up, haha!

    Can’t wait to see the sibling blog post about the potatoes recipe. Hopefully you won’t use the ones from the bracelets, right? 😉

  • I’m not an arts and crafts type of person, but this looks like a really cool project to do with kids! Very creative.

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