change your life with handwriting picture


It is no secret that handwriting analysis can reveal a whole lot of information about you, from your state of health to your hidden talents.

Did you know you can change your life by changing your writing?

Handwriting is all about the brain, not the hand. That means your writing is revealing your innermost thoughts and beliefs. Change your writing and it will reflect in your brain.

Handwriting expert Vimala Rodgers has written a few books on the subject, including Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life, and even created the Vimala Alphabet.

She claims that by learning to write using different letter formations you can eliminate thought habits that hold you back.

Just changing how to write the letter T could help you stick to that diet. Change how you write S and you will reduce stress.


change your life with handwriting


“Since each stroke of the pen reaffirms a thinking habit, and each thinking habit shapes our self-image, and self-image is the lens through which we see life, and how we see life determines our behaviour, if an alphabet were designed that exhibited only the noblest human qualities, world peace might be possibility.

Vimala Rodgers



Handwriting analysis – graphology – is the science of producing a personality profile of the writer by examining characteristics and strokes.

Graphologists can learn so much about the writer, including their health issues, morality, past experiences, hidden talents and mental problems.

Some claim handwriting analysis is more accurate than polygraphs to determine if someone is telling the truth.

The time your pen is on the paper vs in the sir, stroke length, height and width as well as pressure differ depending on whether you are lying or not, according to research carried out at the University of Haifa.

Graphologists look at the emotional energy of the writer first. Heavy pressure is evident by how dark the writing is and what kind (if any) imprint it leaves on the back of paper.

Around 5000 different personality traits can be revealed through handwriting analysis.

For example, heavy pressure (often used by highly successful people) and vertical slant can mean the writer has strong emotions they are trying to hold back.

Small letters could indicate the writer has a detailed, technical personality.

However, analysts look at more than 300 different handwriting traits in order to make their profiles.

When it comes to predicting health issues, handwriting analysis can be an enormous help according to Kathi McKnight who wrote The Good, the “Un-good” and the Unexpected which features 44 handwriting traits she claims can be lifesaving and save you time and money.

Parkinson’s, thyroid imbalance, schizophrenia and even potential heart disease can be revealed using handwriting analysis.




change your life with handwriting picture


When it comes to graphology, being left or right-handed does not change the analysis process.

Only around 12% of the world’s population are lefties (including me) and twice as many are men as women.

In medieval times lefties were considered less intelligent and in league with the devil.

Modern research indicates lefties are more artistic and as they tend to be guided by the opposite side of their brain, can be forgiven for saying they are always in their right mind.




change your life with handwriting picture


Of course one of the problems in today’s computer society is that we are writing by hand much less.

A survey of 1000 teenagers revealed that about 1/3 have never put pen to paper or written a letter by hand.

About half of those studied had never penned a thank you letter, according to a study by BIC.

One in 10 13 – 19 year-olds said they don’t own a pen.

83% of those involved in the study had not written a love letter and a quarter of them, not even a Christmas or birthday card.

This is alarming because there are so many benefits to handwriting.

Studies have shown that handwriting:

  • helps you remember things better and keeps your brain sharp.
  • It inspires creativity and connects both sides of the brain as it uses visual, motor and cognitive skills.
  • It can even have a calming effect.
  • Research has revealed that children who know how to write by hand learn to read faster and can retain information better. This is because it activates a unique neural circuit which stimulates a part of the brain, the Reticular Activating System.
  • Makes you less distracted.




Most of us have succumbed to the ease of computers with no messy cross-outs and a built-in spell-check.

Without the benefits of copy/paste, we are forced to resort to our own form of shorthand, making us think more creatively.

I still use pen and paper for lists and when I really want to remember something but the speed and ease of the computer is way too tempting for lengthy writing jobs.

For many years I wrote a yearly letter to friends I didn’t see regularly and inserted it their Christmas card. This was always done on a computer and included pictures of what the family had been up to.

One year I decided to do each letter by hand – around 30 of them – to make them more personal. The response was amazing.

Every recipient went out of their way to thank me and I realised they really appreciated that personal touch and the time it took. Perhaps they understood I was putting a part of my soul on that paper.

Is it possible we make a better connection with handwritten letters than with typed notes and emails?

As more and more schools are encouraging, and even providing, computers for work and assignments, it is vital we encourage our kids to keep writing by hand.

Come back on Wednesday for some fun projects to help keep kids interested in handwriting.

Are you a leftie or a rightie? Tell me in the comments below and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook so you don’t miss my Tuesdays Tips and Thursday Trivia.

Wish you beautiful writing and a gleeful week, Tamuria.



  • I love the feeling of pen to paper. It’s my favorite way to write. All my blog posts are started in pen first in my journal and then typed into WordPress. I feel most creative when I have a pen in hand. And I’m a rightie who had to learn leftie when I broke my elbow years ago. So I can do both although my left hand is block letters, not cursive.

  • I am known for my extremely amazing hand writing. Apparently it looks exactly like the FONT that is currently being used to type this comment. Whenever I write anything, I am always complimented, ha ha… And people always ask me to write them things if they need something written nicely. My sister has similarly nice handwriting… Not sure where we got it from though because my mom is a DOCTOR and her handwriting is HORRIFIC! lol!

  • Recently learned schools are not teaching cursive. When we write to our grandkids away at camp or school, we have to print. Recently received 2 thank you cards from our 6-year-old grandson & his 14-year-old brother. The writing was similar. My son explained the older one hardly writes & so his handwriting looks like the one he had in first grade.

  • This is a very key point you made Tami, that a lot of the handwriting analysts don’t address: “Perhaps they understood I was putting a part of my soul on that paper.” The computer keyboard encourages the “thinking” capacity, while hand writing actually does come from the soul. Which is of course why people feel that. I also have a great fear that by creating a generation who has no idea how to write by hand, is not a good thing. I have heard that some educators are advocating to bring back cursive for the positive benefits it has on our brain…and also our creativity and soul.

    • Beverley, I really hope they do bring back cursive. I remember hating doing it in school as my writing has always been lousy and I had some educators even try and change me from left to right handed. Even so, there’s a certain joy and freedom that comes with handwriting and it definitely stimulates my creativity.

  • I used to have beautiful handwriting but that of course changed after I started typing on computer most of the time.

    I enjoy writing pen on paper though and I do write my goals daily and also writing in my gratitude journal by hand. It’s not beautiful but it does stick to the brain more. And that’s what I really want my goals and things I’m grateful for to do for me 🙂

  • I love to hand write… but I have different fonts…when I am working on something or using a journal my writing is fast and slanted…but when I am having fun, my font changes…it is neater, it is fancier and fun.
    I think it is so important for kids to write…and learn cursive…it is a lost art these days.
    What a great post! I look forward to Wednesday!

    • Thank you for the kind words Lisa. I’m a bit the same with writing – it’s fast and slanted when I’m working on something but I can make it prettier when I’m having a bit of fun and slow down. I remember when I was really young thinking that cursive – we used to call it running writing – was exciting because learning it in school meant you were becoming a bigger kid. Of course, once I was that bigger kid I became frustrated with it as mine wasn’t so pretty.:)

  • It has been years since I’ve seen Vimala Rodgers mentioned, Tami. So delighted you’ve introduced her to your audience.

    I love to write by hand when I am planning a project because it helps my subconscious mind continue working with the idea while I focus on other tasks.

    I’ve also noticed that one can tell a lot about the state of a person’s health from their handwriting. I’ve seen it with my own handwriting which is otherwise very good but becomes smaller when I am stressed out. Perfect cue to do some meditation or other stress busting activity like going for a walk with Miss Coco.

    • Too true Vatsala. We don’t need experts analysing our writing to let us know when we need to rest and slow down – the writing speaks for itself. It is definitely a good way to tell when you need some downtime.

  • I’ve already determined I need to work on my handwriting to make it more legible. I get so accustomed to typing, my handwriting has become really messy. I’ve also discovered since I had surgery on my thumb on my right hand – and I’m right-handed – holding a pen is a bit awkward.

  • Hello there,

    Thanks for sharing such a great article.

    I have read your article and also agree with your points related to handwriting and signature analysis. I love to read these type of articles. I found another article which i love the most as it really helpful. i.e. https://handwritinguniversity.com/ You did a great job! Hope to read more articles ASAP.

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