Welcome to another Wacky Workshops project – ribbon fairies.


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Do you have a bunch of old leftover gift ribbon pieces you don’t know what to do with? In my pre- Christmas post How to Win by Avoiding the Bin I actually told readers to keep these scraps. Those who took my advice could be cursing me now for a big tangled mess of ribbon scraps – too short to reuse on a gift.

Well, I have the answer. Two beautiful little ribbon fairies.

These colourful little fairies are sure to win any little girl’s heart.

Treasure Box Fairy


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Treasure box ribbon fairy


I love this one as it can be used to hide little treasures.

  • A large soda water bottle
  • Ribbon scraps
  • Glue
  • Rubber band
  • Scissors
  • Foam ball to fit bottle top
  • Sharp knife
  • Googly eyes – optional, you can draw on the eyes and mouth


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Place the ribbons into the top of the bottle (once you have cut it) and keep adding ribbons
  • Use the knife to cut the bottle about a third of the way up so the top and bottom of the bottle are separate.
  • Using the knife or scissors cut about a quarter off the bottom of the top section of the bottle – discard this piece.
  • Now when you put the top and bottom of the bottle together they should fit – and you’ll have a shorter bottle.
  • Gather your ribbon and start pushing one end into the open top of the bottle – it doesn’t matter if they are all different lengths, that looks better. If they are too long you can trim them once you have them in place.
  • Keep adding ribbon and when you are happy with the way your ribbon pieces look, secure them with the rubber band. Now is a good time to trim any ribbon pieces that are too long.
  • Glue the eyes and mouth (if using) to the foam ball then glue that to the top of the bottle.
  • Any scraps of curling ribbon work great for the hair but if you don’t have that you could use wool or doll’s hair.


  • ribbon fairies picture
    All that’s left is to add the head.


What little girl wouldn’t love that? If you had oodles of ribbon scraps you could make several of these as party bags for a fairy party.


Hanging Ribbon Fairy


This one is also really sweet. It would be gorgeous hanging in a little girl’s room or hold onto it for next Christmas and hang it from your tree.


ribbon fairy picture

  • Wooden bead
  • Ribbon scraps
  • Scissors
  • Rubber band
  • Googly eyes, glue – optional



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Gather your ribbons together


  • Gather your ribbon pieces together and secure at the top with the rubber band.
  • Use a small piece of ribbon to thread one end under the rubber band, then thread both ends through the hole in the wooden bead. Make a knot to join the ends.
  • If you choose you can glue a small piece I ribbon over the rubber band to hide it.
  • Add eyes and you’re done.

Want more fairy fun? Read my tips for making beautiful fairy furniture.

Happy crafting and have a gleeful week, Tamuria.

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