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Do you ever wonder why we love trivia so much?

Sometimes it’s fun to fill your head with useless facts you can bring out, dust off, and share at appropriate moments.

There is more to it than that, though.


Those absurd little facts help to stretch the brain.

When someone is talking about bees you might find yourself searching through your brain’s files to remember the fact that bees produce the only food that doesn’t perish – honey.

Or that honeybees have a kind of hair on their eyeballs.

If someone mentions flamingos you might do another brain search to come up with the snippet that they can only eat with their head upside down.

This mind search improves your memory and cognitive skills. It also relieves stress.

There is even a national Trivia Day for residents of the U. S. A. – January 4.

So don’t feel bad about enjoying the guilty little pleasure of filling your brain with useless information.

Sit back and enjoy this terrific trivia to tease your brain.





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I have heard they have a lifespan of 24 hours, but this is not true. The adult stage can live up to six months.


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Sounds pretty gruesome for such a sweet little lady.


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Sit up straight.


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That sounds handy – and disgusting.


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Clever little creatures.


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My Goddesses would be impressed.


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Girl power!


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Nothing to be proud of there.


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Now there’s a humbling thought.


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And yet it can mean so much.


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Oh for the time to visit each one – they are all so beautiful.


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Sounds good to me.


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Are you doing it right? Read my post, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Toilet Paper for more fun facts.


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Do you recycle your glass jars?




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Nature is amazing.


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Again, nature is amazing.


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Nature is all about sharing the load.


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Gotta love their sense of humour.


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Good on them.


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Here’s to the lefties. Did you read my post If Nothing is Right Try Going Left, and you May Conquer the World?


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I think the bats did.


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How old is your pooch? Decaf is heading towards 15 in human years. She weighs about 4 kg so is heading for her 76th birthday in dog years.




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Are you going through the numbers now to see if that’s right?


I hope you enjoyed this terrific trivia. If you would like more trivia to tease your brain, follow me on Facebook and you’ll see my Thursday Trivia posts each week.

Wishing you a gleeful week, Tamuria.


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